Monday, May 7, 2012

Super Moon????? I Didn't See ANY Earthquakes!!!!!

Didn't find out who the guys were that were talking about earthquakes and tsunamis. . . but I personally did not see ANY earthquakes over the last couple days with the final night being right now tonight. So, there goes whomevers theory that was! Mine did not have any earthquakes coming not tonight, not last night! Super Moon or no super moon, there was just no tectonic plate movement, and as a result I'm sorry/happy to say no earthquakes! May 10 will be the last day of that last official alert which shook Indonesia and Mexico during its course, and a few days after May 10, like May 18, 2012 will be the end of ALL the potential earthquake energy that I presently know to exist! And Thank-You again for reading, I will alert you right here as soon as something comes up that warrants! EQ Alert Guy

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