Tuesday, July 16, 2013

175 Richters of Earthquakes Strike Alaska!!!!! A Mega-Thruster is Coming!!! 9 Magnitude???

While I was so busy checking on all the other numbers. . . . . Alaska started getting this now huge swarm of earthquakes that must have just been running all day long immediately after that 7.3 at Sandwich Islands that could have triggered it. I have cut and pasted that entire list and cleaned it up for posting and you can see it at: http://eqalert.blogspot.com/2013/07/alaska-swarm-of-july-15-2013.html

So keep watching although especially the Himilayan Arc and Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia for this now brand new upcoming Major Earthquake and possibly Mega-Thruster with huge Tsunami or even a huge volcano! Something big is about to be happening over on the other side of the world and could be as big as 7.6 to 9.3 Richters! After the landfall of Nargis at Myanmar it was Day 10 when the Sichuan, China Earthquake struck and so it won't be long now! Don't forget just for the record that Northern California is still under alert through next week!!! BE WATCHING!!! EQ Guy

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