Thursday, July 18, 2013

EQ Alert for Big Giant Mega-Thruster Major Earthquake Continues!!!!! Yellowstone/Wyoming Get 3 Shakers!!! Great Cascadia Earthquake Coming?

I guess I never yet actually figured out if there should be a hyphen in MegaThruster like Mega-Thruster, but what I do know is there is one heading for all of our friends on the other side of the world right now and still a small possibility it could also become this "Great Cascadia" Earthquake that a lot of folks have been talking about for some time now, too! Just exactly where did all of that upwards of 300 Richters of potential Major Earthquake energy that was the Alaska Swarm head off to. . . and where is it right now? Well, it's 300 Richters so I am thinking it is out there SOMEWHERE. Best guess there is that Typhoon Soulik pushed Taiwan up against the Asian Tectonic Plate with Taiwan possibly being situated along the far Western edge of the Pacific Plate and thus drawing that edge along with it and catching that far upper Northeastern corner of the Pacific Plate away from the North American Plate at right about there where all that Alaska Seismic Activity struck. THEN, now moving the Asian Plate due West!!! Watch Out Mandalay because according to my calculations and my theory of "Precision Plate Tectonics" all of this earthquake energy should be striking at or near Mandalay in the coming hours with Friday being Day 7 and the July Full Moon Window starting Sunday or Day 9. Sichuan China Earthquake was Day 10 after landfall of Cyclone Nargis at Myanmar.

Great Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami struck at 00:58 UTC on December 26, 2004 and December 2004 Full Moon exact moment was December 26 at 15:07 UTC, so 14 hours, and 8 minutes before exact moment of December 2004 Full Moon. If this would duplicate which is not likely, that would be at around Noon Pacific Time on Sunday or 11:17am PDT to be exact. So let us be watching until then for up to 9.3 Richters of Huge Earthquake Energy for Mandalay and their neighbors. . . and don't forget the Major Alert for NorCal does not actually END until the night of the Full Moon next week, too!

There will also still be alerts for New Madrid and Yellowstone with Wyoming and Montana having just got 3 small earthquakes over the night last night. 5 Richters or more coming for them? Thank-You for Reading! EQ Guy

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