Saturday, July 20, 2013

Accurately Tracked a Similar Plate Movement To Japan 2011 Earthquake!!!!! Christchurch, Too!!!!! Be Watching Mandalay!!!

In my EQ Blog on February 8, 2011, I published an Official Prediction due to the fact that a huge windstorm similar to the one that has struck at Taiwan struck Australia and that I knew there would be a lot of similar tectonic plate movement like the one we are presently watching! Here is a link to that Official Prediction and I want you to know that the date in the headline, February 21, 2011 is NOW the date of the 6.3 Richters Christchurch Earthquake where 185 died. @

I knew that was not the full force of all the Major Earthquake Energy we were watching for and so I continued that alert by extending it until March 17, 2011. You will notice in Paragraph 5 at about 7 lines down on this computer anyways, I state that the earthquake will "Either strike Japan or push the tectonic plate further North" and as we all know on March 11 it struck Japan. Here is that "Continuation"

Of course in all of the flurry of all of those hastily written alerts, I want to point out that it probably says it in there somewhere, but it was never real likely that huge earthquake would actually affect California. Not even the reason I filed with CEPEC, and NEPEC, rather that it was so HUGE of a potential earthquake that I felt it important to fulfill my debt to all my friends in California and on our West Coast first and most importantly of all. Not that Japan was overlooked, just that I myself do not have the resources to translate all my writings to Japan and only have one reader to my knowledge there. Granted today I might have many more by way of Twitter and of course I'm very sorry I was not able to do more in those 17 days I discuss in those writings.

Finally, I mention that we carefully followed watching for Day 19 because it was the number of days from Tomas/Fiji to Baja California Earthquake, and Day 19 after the landfall of Yasi actually BECAME the date of the Chirstchurch Earthquake! If it matters to anyone Day 19 will be July 30, but the distances we were concerned with back then were Fiji to Tijuana, and Queensland to Christchurch. Today we are talking about Taipai, Taiwan to Mandalay, Banda Aceh, and Sichuan, China and I do not feel Day 19 should be a factor right at the moment. On the other hand Day 10 will be Monday, July 22 and also the July FULL MOON!!!!! THAT should be one big earthquake with the full moon window beginning at 11 AM on Sunday Morning!!!!! Thank-You For Reading!!! EQ Guy

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