Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Landfall of Hurricane Newton at Tip of Baja California, Mexico, And AGAIN at Mainland Mexico Early Today!!! LOTS Of Brand New Earthquake Energy Coming!!!

The main reason I'm writing and publishing this Edition of my EQ Blog is due to the fact that first off there has been a very bad landfall of a Major Typhoon at South of Japan!!! Reason this is important is that type of Earthquake Energy normally heads DIRECTLY FOR CALIFORNIA!!! In this case it looks like a line between Point Arena and towns further up into Oregon. Next is that unexpected landfall of Hurricane Newton at the Tip of the Baja California Peninsula with gusts reported at 116mph!!! These usually mean earthquakes out in the California Desert Region and it continued on to make additional landfall early Wednesday at Mainland heading into Arizona where it is now although no longer a Hurricane as they sometimes do there. There will now be earthquakes in that Cal-Nev-Ari Region and I'll have much more detail in coming EQ Blogs, too.

Watch Honduras for more and no doubt there should be much larger ones than this one heading for them:

4.9 - 73km NNE of Savannah Bight, Honduras
2016-09-05 20:10

Nearby Places:
73.5 km (45.7 mi) NNE of Savannah Bight, Honduras, Population: 1,031
131.5 km (81.7 mi) NNE of Trujillo, Honduras, Population: 9,646
157.4 km (97.8 mi) NNE of Tocoa, Honduras, Population: 30,785
195.8 km (121.7 mi) NE of La Ceiba, Honduras, Population: 130,218
205.6 km (127.8 mi) NE of Olanchito, Honduras, Population: 25,969

But, they're getting there, because look at the felt report for that earthquake:

FELT REPORT: City, Region, Country.........................#.....Km
Guanaja, Islas de la Bahía, Honduras...............1......77 km
José Santos Guardiola, Islas de la Bahía, Honduras.2.....116 km
Roatán, Islas de la Bahía, Honduras................3.....133 km

This weeks "Earthquake Minute" deals with landfalling Hurricanes and says to WATCH California, before they shook there!!!!! CLICK Arrow: VIEW Hurricane Hermine "Earthquake Minute" at YouTube@ The Transcript Is At:

Here's a great story at Weatherunderground with both of these big hurricanes and has all the details on that landfall of Hurricane Newton at South Mexico on Tuesday:

Maximum wind speeds when Hurricane Lili made landfall at Florida were at CAT-4 145 Miles Per Hour!!! Here's the Hurricane Lili Story at Wikipedia: Result along with one of my very early "EQ Alerts" having came first, was that Big Italy Earthquake where a school collapsed and 26 died there. At least one teacher in the school and Here's a lot more information on that Earthquake at Wikipedia:

Oklahoma might not normally be much of a story but I had to edit out a lot of smaller ones here in order to run this list. . . they're still getting a lot of earthquakes:

2.9 11km NW of Pawnee, Oklahoma 2016-09-07 06:17
3.5 14km NW of Pawnee, Oklahoma 2016-09-06 21:26
3.5 20km NW of Medford, Oklahoma 2016-09-06 13:33
3.7 20km NW of Medford, Oklahoma 2016-09-06 12:49
3.9 19km NW of Medford, Oklahoma 2016-09-06 12:48

Just noticed there had been this: 4.9 - 4km WSW of Tsukuba, Japan and very near Tokyo, although they probably don't really care too much about being shook by a 4.9 as some of our own more shaky places might not.
Let's mostly watch California and continue to watch around Washington, DC and East Coast a few more days for up to 6 Richters and I think California might be a bigger alert so don't be surprised if they get about a 7.5 there!!! Be Prepared!!! EQ Guy

There's a lot of my very best earthquake stuff in My E-Book, "Bringing Earthquakes To Life" @ Thank-You For Reading!!! EQ Guy

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