Monday, December 17, 2012

Epicenter of 2004 Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami? 7.7 to 9.0 Richters?

As the upcoming Sumatra Earthquake of 2012 approaches I searched very closely over this weekend to see the exact names of towns and islands just to the north of the Island of Sumatra and found the town of Banda Aceh to be situated at the very northern tip of that island that is positioned almost exactly at the tectonic plate boundary between the Pacific and Indio Tectonic Plates and possibly a tiny microplate or two out in that islands region, too. Therefore it sort of looks like while this new major earthquake energy is passing directly through that plate boundary, there could be any number of different fault lines that might be affected by this 7.7 to 9.0 Richters of earthquake energy. Probably the results being pretty much the same no matter which fault line it crosses, though! I just finished viewing the weather satellite of Tropical Cyclone Evan crossing what appeared to be Fiji and turning south so there could now be any number of smaller shakers out in the Pacific Islands region but those should only be so large with 7 being big. Last week Evan made landfall at Samoa and that earthquake energy should strike around Mexico City soon at around 6.5 to 6.9 and I want to continue watching California through Friday although there is presently not much shaking there and hopefully that earthquake has now all passed! EQ Guy

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