Thursday, December 13, 2012

NEW MOON!!! California 7.1, or Japan/Sumatra 7.7???

Just saying that since Japan seems to be the place where all of the recent earthquake energy IS shaking, I suppose the NEW MOON could now bring on the next really big one. There was just a 3.4 at Northern California and there have been one or two other 3 Richters range shakers in the recent days including one or two 4's. Traditionally I haven't used these "Foreshocks" to predict, but mostly due to the fact that they just so happen to coincide with a large source of potential earthquake energy possibly waiting to shake California. . . I'm saying keep watching! And that the New Moon that runs through the next 24 hours or so, something Major could shake!!! Los Angeles? Frisco? Lompoc? Hawaii? Japan? Lima? Sumatra? Let's just watch very close because it is almost a SURE THING that somebody will be shaking at any moment from the NEW MOON! It is only midnight my time, but the New Moon is already starting somewhere so start watching immediately!!! EQ Guy

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