Friday, December 7, 2012

Japan 7.3 Richters! Keep Watching California!!!

Yes, my phone chimed very early this morning with Japan 7.3 Richters and I turned the TV on to find a tsunami alert, but they were not extending it Pacific wide and there were no major aftershocks! I suppose we might keep an eye on Japan for an 8.3 to come along at some point but for now I want to answer folks who might be wanting to know if Japan was the California shaker we'd been watching for. No. Rather probably that edge of the Pacific Tectonic Plate rattling Post-Philippines Super Typhoon. Everything is still running on time as far as the upcoming California Earthquake and California does appear to continue to get the small shakers that just might indicate a 7.1 Richters Shaker in the very near future. See EQ Blog where I give December 12, 2012 at 1:46am for exact time. While some movement of the Pacific Tectonic Plate could cause this potential earthquake epicenter to venture north of Lompoc/S.B., I will maintain Lompoc, California as my epicenter. . . watch Frisco closely, though! And Keep Being Prepared! EQ Guy

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