Thursday, January 24, 2013

4.0 California Immediately After Last Post!!! (Mentioning California)

Immediately after posting the following EQ Blog also today but earlier, my phone chimed with a 4.0 Richters Earthquake up around the South Lake Tahoe Region of California which was reported felt in Roseville, and Sacramento. That was followed by a 3.5 at Petrolia and 50 Miles from Eureka, California in the early morning hours of today along with several and possibly an unusual number of chimes last night compared to the usual none or one. Saying there does seem to be some earthquake energy happening and if my scientific research is correct. . . heading for California and our West Coast! Still a 6.7 to 7.9 Richters Out There, You Know!

There was a time when an earthquake was headed for Baja California so I skipped it over (it wasn't headed for California) and the now famous Easter Sunday Baja California 2010 Earthquake struck at 7.2 Richters on April 4, 2010 shaking ALL of Southern California! So, while this one might well strike neighboring states and regions, I want to add that I DID say California late last night, and it DID shake there immediately afterwards and practically all through the night and might still be shaking with something major still out there!!! Still a 6.7 to 7.9 Richters Out There, You Know! Be Prepared! EQ Guy

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