Friday, January 11, 2013

Looks Like NEW MOON is Tonight-Friday, January 11, 2013!!! Watch For Major Shaker/Tsunami Tonight!!!?

Just finished reading todays morning paper and it looks like TONIGHT FRIDAY January 11, 2013 is the ACTUAL night of the New Moon, not last night as most recent EQ Blog states! #Sorry! Soooooooooo, just remember that last New Moon produced that 6.3 Offshore San Diego Earthquake, and continue on watching to see if tonights New Moon WILL produce a Major Earthquake as well?
I want to repeat again here that there was that Great Carlsberg Ridge Swarm on Wednesday which was probably a Major Earthquake Energy AND will probably still become a Major Earthquake somewhere, and with that added pull of the New Moon! Also repeating about that one great experience of San Diego getting shook at 2am the VERY NIGHT OF THE NEW MOON during the last one! Well, TONIGHT is the very next New Moon. . . what will happen? Let's continue to watch Greece, Turkey, Italy, Sumatra, Indonesia, Azores/Iceland, and New Zealand through today January 11, well into late tonight, and through early tomorrow morning! And repeating that this alert will continue into Saturday which will be the anniversary of the Great Haiti Earthquake, January 12, but beyond the similarity in the date, I suppose anniversary alone won't increase the chance of something major shaking you know. ALSO, still a small chance of something shaking California or major aftershock around the Craig, Alaska region!? Just Sayin' that tonight, the night of Friday January 11-12, 2013 could be the night of the next big Earthquake/Tsunami somewhere!!! Sincerely, EQ Guy

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