Thursday, January 10, 2013

Night of NEW MOON!!!!! Repeat of Major Shaker Tonight?????

The last New Moon produced that 6.3 Offshore San Diego Earthquake that garnered those 850 Felt Reports from The City of San Diego. WILL tonights New Moon produce a Major Earthquake in just the coming hours as well? There was that Great Carlsberg Ridge Swarm yesterday which was probably a Major Earthquake Energy AND will probably still become a Major Earthquake somewhere. . . possibly yet tonight and with the added pull of the New Moon on the surface of the earth! New Moon is currently just a new study that I am in the process of dialing in, so I don't have any more about the correlation with the new moon today, just that one great experience of San Diego getting shook at 2am the very new moon night during the last one! Although the International Dateline exists in between us and the area that I believe to be most likely to shake, we should watch Greece, Turkey, Italy, Sumatra, Indonesia, and New Zealand at least through the night and note that this alert will continue right into Saturday which will be the anniversary of the Great Haiti Earthquake, January 12. I suppose there will still be a small chance of something shaking California or major aftershock around the Craig, Alaska region!? Just Sayin' this could be the night of the next big Earthquake/Tsunami somewhere!!! EQ Guy

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