Thursday, May 23, 2013

5.9 Richters Strikes Northern California Near Reno, NV Tonight!!!

Yes, with that May 2013 Full Moon shining high overhead the Northern California region up around Truckee, Susanville, and Reno has just got a 5.9 Richters Major Earthquake with tons of felt reports coming in from Sacramento! Several so far from the Frisco area and it only struck like moments ago as I am keying this right now! Here is the USGS Link:

Full Moon will go for a whole day, yet and there are plenty of other sources of Major Earthquake Energy to still watch for! They usually like to always say aftershocks could be as big or bigger than the original earthquake and so far my phone has already chimed once with a 3.7 on the Richter Scale aftershock! There are earthquakes out there and the full moon will continue, so please continue watching!!!!! God Bless! EQ Guy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

94513 We felt it