Friday, May 24, 2013

Huge California Earthquake Last Night!!! 5.9 Northwest of Carson City Near Susanville!

There were 1390 felt reports from Sacramento, 464 from Chico, California, 5 from Klamath Falls, Oregon, 250 from Reno, 70 Fresno, 9 from San Jose and 1 each from Monterey, San Luis Obispo, and 15 from Modesto. There have been literally a thousand aftershocks and my phone chimed virtually the whole night and looks like it now has upwards of 30 just received since I deleted a lot of them while watching the hockey game!

If you have been closely following this earthquake energy then I want you to know this would not have been the earthquake energy that I filed the recent Official Prediction on @ . . . . . THAT one will still be in effect for Los Angeles and could strike more towards the end of the week. The Los Angeles one was more traveling towards the state line between The Mexican State of Baja California and the US State of California, or Yuma, Imperial, San Diego County, etc. I will continue to have updates on that still possibly upcoming earthquake into next week! There WILL BE more earthquakes down Baja California way, though, so everybody continue to be prepared!

Finally, there was an 8.2 Richters Earthquake that struck right at the end of the night up at the Northeast tip of Kamchatka and USSR where it just about meets those Alaska Islands and this could well have been the sum of the earthquake energy sent up that direction from the landfall of Cyclone Mahasen at Bangladesh 12 days prior. As of this writing there have been no damage reports in from that region and the shaking was reportedly felt as far away as Moscow, much of China and Japan, and places like Italy and Kurgastan. My opinion is that should be the end of that earthquake alert, but of course earthquakes can always happen and it could also advance the movement of the Eurasian Tectonic Plate and still result in more movement yet up in that shaky Himilayan Arc where Nepal, Tibet, and Sichuan China are. . . so let us keep watching up in that region a few more days for what I call aftershocks.

The full moon actually will BEGIN tonight at 9:27pm Pacific Time and so remember the Full Moon Window will continue for a whole day, yet!!! Actually through 9:27pm tomorrow night Pacific Time!!! Could Be More Major Earthquakes associated with this now so far very bad Full Moon Window!!!

And keep watching the State of Baja California, Mexico and California USA because there could still be that 5 to 7.3 Richters Earthquake of the O.P. still coming!!!!! And Think Earthquake Preparations!!!!! EQ Guy

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