Wednesday, May 22, 2013

New Earthquake Heading Directly for Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego Counties!!! But How Big, Exactly?

This Major Earthquake is heading directly for Los Angeles!!! Possibly just a little to the South such as Orange County or even more towards San Diego and would be more likely to strike the desert regions and should probably include Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, too! There was a 5.0 that struck near Palm Springs on May 14, 1999 immediately following the last Moore, Oklahoma Tornado on May 2, 1999. Although there was also a 6.2 that struck Iran on May 11, 1999 indicating the sum total might also need to be taken into consideration here. The number of dates just might end up being universal for this sort of correlation since there was also a June 14-18, 1992 Tornado Series that preceded the Landers Earthquake on June 28, 1992 or Day 14. The details are now in at more than a mile wide and running for 17 miles and yesterdays Moore, Oklahoma Tornado has been upgraded to EF-5 with winds now above 200 mph!

Due to the line of Earthquake Energy expected to follow this huge path of destruction we will now also need to be watching up around Washington, DC, Philidelphia, Richmond, and out around Hawaii, Kiribati, and Tuvulu Islands which are all along that line and any of these places could shake in the coming days! Of course as I have said in earlier EQ Blogs there could also still be some shaking in the immediate region of Texas, Oklahoma, New Madrid, Tennessee, Missouri, and Illinois. And there was still the 200 Richters up around Kamchatka and the landfall of Cyclone Mahasen at Bangladesh earlier, too! Lots of Earthquakes Coming! Everybody Be Prepared! EQ Guy

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