Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Will Next Shaker Strike Mexicali/Calexico Near Epicenter of 2010 Baja California Earthquake???

I want to add a couple of more Tornado/Earthquake correlations to the discussion at this point, however at least one of these leans more towards Day 20 which would automatically continue the Official Prediction until like June 9th when the banner headline says before Midnight on June 3! With this Saturday being the official end date I generally prefer to just run through that date and go from there, although on this occasion it is looking much like it may need to be extended due to the correlation extending. EXAMPLE: A Tornado that struck Jackson, Mississippi on June 3, 1966 seems to have been followed on Day 24 by the 1966 Parkfield Earthquake. Another Tornado that struck Galliapolis, Ohio on April 23, 1968 was followed on Day 23 by an 8.0 on the Richter Scale at Japan. And on June 4, 1958 there was a huge tornado at Colfax, Wisconsin followed on Day 35 by a HUGE EARTHQUAKE up around Juneau, Alaska that had a MEGA-TSUNAMI measuring over 1700 Feet High!!!!! Sooooooooo, those are the numbers that I have right this moment to add! There will be more to come as the exact date and moment of the end gets near. . . end of that Official Prediction that is.

F.Y.I. the line of possible potential seismic energy that travels in the opposite direction of the direction the recent Moore, Oklahoma tornado traveled on the ground goes almost directly through Mexicali and Calexico and very near Yuma, Arizona. It also continues on very near Ensenada and kind of near Tijuana also! It will ultimately continue on to intersect Hawaii, The Solomon Islands, Kiribati, and Cairns. Just found that Mexicali/Calexico is situated 25 miles North of the epicenter of the 2010 Baja California Earthquake of 7.2 on the Richter Scale that's also famous for shaking Los Angeles!!!

Had heard of some additional activity of the Mexico City Volcano over this weekend, but was unable to find any stories to add as this EQ Blog goes to press! Thank-You Again for Reading! The EQ Alert Guy

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