Thursday, December 10, 2015

December 2015 New Moon Is Coming! Window Starts Early Thursday Morning!!! Will There Be Any Earthquakes Shaking??? Lima, Peru? Chicago/Kokomo???

There was a Major 6.9 Richters Earthquake at Indonesia at 4:21am Central Time on Wednesday, and this might be movement of that tectonic plate that could be in agreement with Yemen moving the tectonic plate rather than sending straight-line earthquake energy, because it would have to be connected to one of these big windstorms and there have been two in that immediate area. Next thing I noticed is that several other earthquakes happened just in the moments before that Big Indonesia Earthquake, check these out:

6.9 106km SE of Amahai, Indonesia 2015-12-09 04:21:50
0.7 17km ESE of Julian, California 2015-12-09 03:59:41
0.8 2km WSW of Borrego Springs, California 2015-12-09 03:53:18
2.0 6km SSW of Caruthersville, Missouri 2015-12-09 03:49:56
4.4 11km SE of La Azulita, Venezuela 2015-12-09 03:49:02

Note that the New Madrid Earthquake, listed as Caruthersville, Missouri, struck just 32 minutes before the 6.9 Indonesia Earthquake! This because we might be watching for 7 Richters in the New Madrid region and am wondering if it could be connected to Indonesia as far as tectonic plate movement!? Very frightening coincidence as we watch that region and await what might happen, too!!!

As we were watching a few different places around Central America, this story came along that I was not expecting to see all this volcano activity currently going on in Nicaragua!!! Was really surprised to see a huge volcano that hasn't been active since the 1800's!!! Here's a Great shot of that eruption someone took from an airplane flying past it, CLICK Arrow: Here is the story about that volcano's first eruption in a Century!!!@ AND a couple great pics I found on Twitter if this link works@

The December 2015 NEW MOON is Coming!!!!! The Exact Moment of the New Moon will be on Friday December 11, at 4:30am Central Time and 2:30am Pacific Time. That Window will then begin on Thursday Morning, December 10 at those times and run until about Mid-Day on Saturday, December 12. So especially be watching Lima, Peru, for 6.5 Richters, and Illinois/Indiana could be looking at some shaking up to 7 Richters, too!!! EQ Guy

There's a lot of my very best earthquake stuff in My E-Book, "Bringing Earthquakes To Life" @ Thank-You For Reading!!! EQ Guy

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