Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Landfall of Typhoon Melor At Philippines Near Manila!!! New Lima, Peru Data, And 2.5 Richters Strikes New Madrid Felt In Illinois!!!

Yes, there has been that one huge windstorm that I'm hoping will not end up having been too close to Manila due to the huge population there and am presently awaiting news to come in as far as that. Not a lot of other shaking stuff aside from 2.5 New Madrid where we're watching and I'll get to it after this one more opportunity to view this weeks "Earthquake Minute"!!! CLICK Arrow: You can see this weeks Earthquake Minute at YouTube@ https://youtu.be/OHX3xbvFhmk The Transcript For Earthquake Minute is @ http://earthquakealert3.blogspot.com/2015/12/transcript-from-fridays-earthquake.html

While there is still a lot of action surrounding that landfall of Cyclone Meg at Socotra Island and is looking more like it may become tectonic plate movement, today we are going to start looking at landfall late last night of Typhoon Melor at Philippines and very near Manila. . . so near that report has not yet come in and I'll have that tomorrow. This will most unfortunately become yet another very dangerous line crossing the Pacific and will no doubt affect someone on our side of the Pacific!!! The shaking at New Madrid should be ending soon and I'll look into that and cover it in its entirety tomorrow! Nearing the end of that alert there, though!

Have checked to see what might be going on with that "Straight Line" from Socotra Island to Lima, Peru and among other stuff that I discovered as I usually always do when researching such a thing, is that LIMA, PERU was actually destroyed by an earthquake in 1747!!! So yes there is a real danger that there could be a direct hit AT or very near Lima, Peru!!! This all started by another of those little notes that I write too myself to look stuff up and in this case it was an effort to more closely dial-in where the epicenter for a possible Lima, Peru Earthquake MIGHT actually be such as to give the name of possibly a smaller town in that region that might stand an even moreso chance of becoming that epicenter. But, now having looked and researched this closely let us stay with Lima although the epicenter may be some miles off in any direction, contniue to watch Lima, Peru!!! That should be around a 6.5 as we await more information on the folks in Manila, Philippines. EQ Guy

There's a lot of my very best earthquake stuff in My E-Book, "Bringing Earthquakes To Life" @ http://www.eqalert2.blogspot.com Thank-You For Reading!!! EQ Guy

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