Wednesday, April 1, 2015

NOW Super Typhoon Maysak Is About To Strike Luzon, Philippines!!! Winds 170, Gusts 200 Mph!!!

Probably the biggest news today unless something else comes along is the fact that there had been a 5.5 Richters Earthquake that I thought upon looking at it, thought it was out there amidst the "Sandwich Islands" like between the tip of South America and Antarctica! Well, all things passed just like that until at some point in the middle of the night while browsing around in that region. . . I noticed one other earthquake that must have shown up at some point over where I did NOT see any earthquakes before! Well it turned out to be the 5.5 that I had previously listed as being in the middle of the Antarctic, but only instead now it has become this ominous sign that the Indian Ocean/Australian Tectonic Plate has just busted yet ANOTHER move!!! This time the one we have been watching for over at the far lower west corner over by Madagascar and a sure sign that the plate is moving toward Sumatra, China, Nepal, and Japan. There has also since that early morning Tuesday discovery been a 5.8 and 5.9 at Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea for more proof that this is now a large scale movement and surely many more Major Earthquakes will follow!!!

One more chance to watch This Weeks EQ Video Log with that whole story: CLICK Arrow:

SEE This Weeks EQ Video Log At YouTube:

Yes, it is good old "Precision Plate Tectonics" at work or old fashioned "Earth Mechanics" if you'd rather call it whatever you like. Keep watching Luzon, Philippines where Super Typhoon Maysak will be making landfall later this week at the same time as the April Full Moon strikes and there was even already a 4.4 Luzon Earthquake at 11:04pm Central Time just before this EQ Blog was posted and directly in line with the path Super Typhoon Maysak is on!!!

Lots more earthquakes will still be shaking! New Zealand could still get as high as another 7.7 Richters and it could be a direct hit on a populated region there so you might pray for them! All of this will surely reach the northern regions of the Indio/Australian Tectonic Plate, too and China or Japan probably will eventually get earthquakes in the coming days there, too! Finally enough action around the Pacific to keep a watch on California, West Coast, and Alaska!!! EQ Guy

Check Out My E-Book, "Bringing Earthquakes To Life" @ And Thank-You For Reading!!! EQ Guy

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