Sunday, March 24, 2013

Maybe A Tiny Amount of Earthquake Energy? Update Your Glasses Perscription!!!

One day I was shooting a lot of video and after a lot of filming looked up at the screen and realized it wasn't the picture on the TV. . . it was my EYES that were out of focus in much the same way as the camera had been going in and out of focus all day! Solution? I simply ZOOMED-IN with both eyes on the picture on the screen and imagine my surprise when I discovered that there had actually never been anything wrong with my eyes! I was able to bring the picture into perfect focus that day! Over the years one of my eyes must have gradually became out of focus, but it was very simple to focus them both after a few moments. ZOOM-IN, Focus, whichever or both can be fairly easily done by picking up a little reading material and starting with like the first word, and both eyes focused on it. Then, you can also try zooming-in on the words and notice they might even get bigger as you zoom-in. (Even as you read this!!!) You can look at a picture or TV and scan around it with both eyes and try zooming in on any one particular item such as a license plate or a clock. On a clock you can start by looking closely at the ONE. Then the TWO. Finally you can now try reading by zooming and focusing on the first word in a sentence and carefully follow along to the next word, then the next. Isn't this how they originally taught us back in like first or second grade? Thought over the years one gets more relaxed eyes that do not follow the words as closely as third grade and might need to relearn some of this. Eventually I had to UPDATE MY PRESCRIPTION and if you do this, take the time to focus more carefully on the LETTERS on the Eye Doctors chart!!! I actually LESSENED the thickness of the lens a great deal from my old prescription safety glasses from the 1980's!!! And can pass the eye test for Drivers License with NO Glasses! Today I routinely take a moment to focus as I read or look at the TV, and for updating my prescription for my glasses, too! No more thick lenses for me! I can zoom and focus my eyes all by myself, now!

I want to also note that due to one or two small regions getting like 8 to 12 inches of snow there could be a very smallish say 5.8 Richters Earthquake along the West Coast, but just some snow in Indianapolis is hardly an EQ Alert and as far as I know there is nothing else happening earthquake wise! Thank-You Again for reading!!! EQ Guy

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