Saturday, June 29, 2013

2.8 Livermore/Hayward at 7:38am Saturday! 9:38 Central Time! Watch California! They're Getting A Lot of Shakers!!!

Might not have stopped to write this morning except that just as I was about to sign off due to not really that much happening as far as earthquakes are concerned, a 2.8 just struck at Livermore, California near San Francisco and 20 miles East of Hayward where we are watching especially close for something Major to shake there at any moment! You can still check out that Official Prediction for Northern California, Eureka, and Frisco @ and that one runs all the way through the middle of July 2013, too! Tomorrow will be Day 30 after that El Reno, OK Tornado and the chances just seem to get a little higher as we get up into the thirty day range after one of those huge windstorms as the above O.P. fully explains! Therefore it is not too much of a surprise that something huge might be starting to shake around Frisco and Hayward, California!!! Too many to report all of them here, but among the biggest ones just in recent hours include that 3.5 yesterday at Anza with many aftershocks, a whole other swarm at Julian, several at Soledad up on the San Andreas Fault close to Monterey, a 2.5 Offshore near Carlsbad/La Jolla, a 1.8 right at Vandenburg Village near Lompoc and Santa Maria, and at least one more in the Pacifica series that has been shaking since late this week a mile or so from Daly City and Frisco right there on the San Andreas Fault, too! Keep Watching California very closely and be Prepared California! Could be a major shaker in the coming hours and days!!! EQ Guy

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