Wednesday, December 3, 2014

2006 Korea Nuclear Test Preceded 2006 Hawaii Earthquake Of 6.7 Richters!!!!!

This all happened in the very early days of me following such potential sources of Major Earthquake Energy and tracking Nuclear Testing was not exactly an area of my expertise at that early day in my work either. Let us begin by taking a look at the 2006 Korea Nuclear Test and I can already tell you that I went out ahead and guessed CORRECTLY the exact date of the earthquake that would follow, too! First, the date was October 9, 2006 and if you are one of my regular readers, then stop reading right here. . . and figure out what the EXACT DATE of the earthquake that followed probably was?

Six days later on October 15, 2006 was the date of the 6.7 Richters Hilo, Hawaii Earthquake that damaged 1,100 buildings, along with lots of damage to roads, landslides, and power outages. Numerous people suffered minor injuries, too. Total damage was 73 million dollars and as of this writing there is no correlation with the above nuclear test at Korea. Similarly there is no correlation with fracking and any of the Major Earthquakes that have also done a lot of damage. . . namely Napa and Haiti.

As all this was going on I had been watching that test very close and writing about it extensively. Somewhere around here is my usual test that I like to run with the globe and my straight line tool, too, but being from all the way back in the year 2006 is going to make it difficult at best to locate and going to take more than the few minutes I have to prepare my usual daily EQ blog entry you understand.

I noticed as I researched todays EQ Blog that there was also a 2009 Korea Nuke Test, too, but do not recall exactly what might have happened on that occasion. Big news today for now is that 6.7 Richters Earthquake that struck Hawaii just days after the Korean Nuclear Test of 2006 and perhaps the fact that a few of you, my regular readers might have even actually guessed accurately the date similar to how I do that. . . as you know!

In the last several hours of Tuesday there had now been a number of those 5 Magnitude Earthquakes like we are now watching for including a 5.0 Alaska Earthquake not all that unusual by itself, but the fact that we are watching for earthquakes as big as 4.8 and now have a few of them. Watch for more because I suspect California will be having a 4.3 to 4.8 in just the coming hours!!! Thank-You Again For Reading!!! EQ Guy

You can still see this weeks EQ Video Log at YouTube@

Check Out My E-Book "Bringing Earthquakes To Life" @ Thank-You For Reading!!! EQ Guy

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