Wednesday, December 24, 2014

4.2 + 3.5 Southern California And 5.2, 5.5, 5.1 Macquarie Island!!! Something Major May Be Shaking In The Coming Hours!!! Be Watching!!! Major Earthquake-Tsunami Event!!!?

There is a lot of earthquake stuff going on right this moment as I am writing this EQ Blog, so I almost expect this blog to be updated in the coming hours. I will tell you what I know just the same and write updates in here whenever needed in the section it might appear. This weeks EQ Video Log is getting some views, so here is The LINK to view it at YouTube:

Up until just moments ago when CALIFORNIA started getting all the earthquakes, Felt in Garden Grove and Irvine so far, the big news lined up for todays EQ Blog was all of the earthquakes that struck at the bottom of the Indio/Australian Tectonic Plate indicating MAJOR MOVEMENT!!! Yes, in fact this might even be the exact same movement experienced in the hours before the Great Sumatra Earthquake of 2004 when an 8.1 Richters Major Earthquake struck almost the SAME SPOT!!!

Count on that movement to usher in a repeat of that huge 2004 earthquake and places up around The Grand Nicobar Island to be shaking in the coming hours and days, now. When it was preceded by one 8.1 Richters Earthquake it ended up being about a 30 foot tsunami, too. Although now being preceded by three earthquakes of like 5 Magnitude DO NOT necessarily mean a major tsunami, but it could be a lot of tectonic plate movement just the same. DOES say that tectonic plate did make a move and will probably continue to move ultimately leading to a Major Earthquake at some point around the perimeter and most likely very near Grand Nicobar Island but remember there are a lot of other shaky places up in that region and with Macquarie Island moving we might also need to watch Kiribati, Peru. . . and California?

So, I suppose it is possible all the movement of that other tectonic plate just might actually lead directly to California and our West Coast which appears to be what is happening! Be Watching California and our West Coast now along with Sumatra and the rest of the Indian Ocean Tectonic Plate because as the 10 Year Anniversary of Sumatra nears. . . so does the chance of the next big Earthquake-Tsunami Event!!! Be Prepared!!! EQ Guy

Check Out My E-Book "Bringing Earthquakes To Life" @ Thank-You For Reading!!! EQ Guy

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