Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Earthquakes, Earthquakes, Earthquakes!!! Should We Be Watching California?????

I received a letter from someone in Oklahoma who asked about all the earthquakes they are getting the last couple days and wanted to know if they should be worried. I just counted 12 in like the last 24 hours or so with the largest few being around 4 Richters. Answering the question of a big one heading for them. . . I replied with the fact that we generally like to say "Not Likely". So, I will now expand on that thought about Oklahoma getting anything bigger than their biggest of around 5 and tell you all that it is scientifically possible that they could get one of those rare ones that upheavals the ground and leaves a fault scarp a mile or several miles long of several feet in elevation change. These Major Earthquakes do happen and nobody will argue that Oklahoma just might face that sort of reality at some point in the coming thousand years or so. If not today, tomorrow or this week, then I might predict a 7, 8, or 9 Richters earthquake for Oklahoma between now and April 17, 3013. Even then that would be saying earthquakes that big occur on a 1000 year interval which in itself might not be totally correct. . . it might be more like 10,000 years. SEE That Idaho Earthquake of 7.3 for yourself @ because that one really happened and seems to me it may happen again possibly at or near Oklahoma. You will need to consult their local Geology/Seismology person with any questions if you wish more info along those lines, try Austin Holland @ and hopefully he will have answers to any questions you might have. Note that my own background is that of working at a Junkyard, as a Carpenter, and Hollywood Actor, and only Amateur Seismologist.

There has also been a lot of earthquake activity in the Japan Islands which might be the Eastern Edge of that Indian Ocean Plate moving, BUT might indicate it pushing back against the Pacific which probably WILL result in some Major Earthquake Energy releasing along not only our West Coast, but Central America might get some major shaking, too! So, Please continue to watch California, West Coast, and Alaska for Major Earthquake Energy, but let us raise the top number of this potential range to 7, making the range 5.5 to 7 Richters and note that the amount of earthquake energy they are getting suggests it could go even higher. Be Prepared California and West Coast! EQ Guy

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