Monday, April 8, 2013

NEW MOON!!!!! Window Begins Late Monday/Early Tuesday!!!

If you follow my EQ Blog regularly, then you might already be aware that this months New Moon will be Wednesday. The exact moment of the New Moon will be around 2am Pacific Time and the correlation with earthquakes striking directly on dates of the full and new moons tends to begin about 24 Hours before that exact moment, and continue on until about 24 Hours after that exact moment. The 24 Hour window will begin very late Monday night/Early Tuesday Morning and so I want everybody to be aware that there will be an increased chance of something shaking beginning tonight, Monday Night more towards the Midnight Hour. However I am NOT currently tracking any Major Earthquake Energy so this could turn out to be what I have in the past referred to as at "Full Moon/No Alert" except in this case since I recently also started watching the New Moons it MIGHT then be a "New Moon/No Alert". See Update below.

I have to add that there is so much stuff going on these days with Fracking, Oil Drilling, Bomb Testing, and Missle Range Testing that it makes it virtually impossible to accurately say when every fair to large earthquake might strike due to not having data on when any of the above "Man-Made" stuff might be taking place and some of those tests, etc. have been known to cause at least the slightest earthquake energy! But for tonight I do not have anything significant to base a Major EQ Alert on and so I must just say that we do always need to watch and be aware that an earthquake could happen any time just the same! Thank-You for Reading! EQ Guy

(After posting this, I seen 115mph Gusts of wind at Mammoth Mountain. This could result in something shaking around California since my EQ Alerts usually start at 100 mph, so be watching)

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