Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Still No Earthquakes??? Production Has Wrapped on Latest Chicago Film Project!!!

I asked one of the camera guys as soon as I seen him if they still use Film Cartridges on any production jobs and he was very confident in saying YES, a lot of them apparently are still using actual film. Probably as I guessed in yesterdays blog that it has been mostly all television shows and that perhaps it has just been a long time since I was out on a movie project of the theatres and silver screen type. I do want to say that it is my opinion that it still has to do with the fact that 35mm film runs in the 1 million grains per inch area and even the highest definition digital video is still far behind the grains that make up motion picture film. Sure, some day digital will probably be able to somehow come up with the brilliant definition that motion picture film has. . . but I do not believe it will be in the foreseeable future. UPDATE, PRODUCTION WRAPPED ON THIS LATEST CHICAGO FILM PROJECT!!! Now back to the remainder of this evenings blog!!! Word is tomorrow I just may have that big scene where I am supposed to be the landlord suuing the defendant for back rent and utilities! "She owes me for DWP, AT&T, and left with 6 months on her lease." We will see if my character the Plaintiff/Landlord gets his $3,500 from whomever he's suuing!!! (We Found Out Early!!!) Thank-You Again for Reading!!! "Moviestar". . . back to being EQ Guy!!!


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