Tuesday, November 19, 2013

100 Yards Wide and 19 Miles On The Ground!!! HUGE Tornadoes!!! LOTS of New Earthquakes Coming!!!!! 7.6 to 9.1 Double Whammy Still Out There!!!

The main focus here, although the huge series of tornadoes all across Illinois and Indiana might seem to be, will be all the now huge NEW Major Earthquake Energy we can expect to be striking, and striking, and striking all up and down our West Coast and California as well as a lot of other places such as Mexico and Central America we might mostly wish to concern ourselves with the new potential dangers faced by huge major California cities such as Los Angeles and San Francisco where ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!!!

Later but not right this moment I will fill you all in on the details of the correlation between another great tornado outbreak of June 1992 followed by the Great Earthquake Outbreak of June 1992 at Landers, California which from memory included Big Bear City, California, too! That Landers Earthquake was a 7.3 that struck on June 28, 1992. . . . . but all of those tornadoes did all the damage between June 14 and June 18, 1992 so for now you may simply go ahead and do the math and say tomorrow I will try to have all those details gathered for a complete write-up on how that will help us correlate such huge tornado outbreaks with Major Earthquakes! Finally, Landers was preceded by a 6.1 at Joshua Tree, and followed like 3 hours later by a 6.3 at Big Bear City and a 5.7 that struck at nearby Nevada is also in there, too! Up to this point I have equated all the tornadoes with all the earthquakes and assume that June 1992 Tornado Outbreak was made up of enough major touchdowns that equaled at least the 4 significant earthquakes.

So today I want to report that one branch of BMO Harris was destroyed in Kokomo as well as a Distribution Center for the Dollar General somewhere in Indiana, too! I did hear F-5 associated with one of the Illinois Tornadoes, but also heard 100 miles per hour straight line winds and many, many streets closed right in Kokomo and a tornado that was on the ground for 10 miles and one on the ground for 19 miles. Note that I was already scheduled to be working down there starting this Sunday, but am now thinking about leaving perhaps an extra day early to check on all my Hoosier Friends!!!

The possible "Double-Whammy" could still be out there but in all events there is still now huge amounts of earthquake energy coming and plus or minus the re-enactment of the 1992 Landers Earthquake which most of you don't need me to explain exactly how serious that could, or would, or might be if the correlation plays out anything like it is looking right now! It might be time for Los Angeles and San Francisco to Be Prepared! I might also need to send a new "Amended" Official Prediction: California to the EQ Prediction Council very soon, too!!! Thank-You for Reading!! EQ Guy

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