Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Chicago Earthquake Was Originally a 3.7 Downgraded. COULD be a LOT More Coming!

Finally solved the issue with the cement-mixer driving past the house and the ground shaking violently. . . unlike the usual ground might vibrate for a big truck. In one of those scenes where you think about this during the very late hours of the night I came up with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4!!! That's IT!!! The "Mental Note" that I was talking about in my earlier EQ Blog from early today. The time! It was 1, 2, 3, 4 a/k/a 12:34pm!!! I remember it now because I routinely look at the exact time when I feel the ground really shake a lot and yesterday the clock said 1234 and at that instant changed to 12:35 but I knew what I saw and just didn't write it down so the result was I thought it was forgotten forever, until I remembered it! Checked exact moment of earthquake this morning and it is 12:35. Haven't decided yet if I should write out a report on the USGS Website, but I suppose I should take my own advice and write it! Like I tell other people you know.

So the latest on that #ChicagoEarthquake is that there are felt reports from all over Illinois and a few from Wisconsin and you can still see the list at Earthquake Central: http://eqalert.blogspot.com/2013/11/32-near-chicago-with-about-75.html There have been one or two updates including reports from Whiting and Portage both Indiana and probably others but it would require matching up the lists and reading all through both lists to know for sure and that will take me until this evening.

Right now I am headed to the epicenter as soon as I catch the WGN News Update and see what Tom Skilling has to say on the latest on the 2013 Chicago Earthquake!!! @ https://twitter.com/Skilling/status/397446216973168640 . . . And maybe catch a movie at "The Quarry" Movie Theater, too! EQ Guy

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