Friday, November 29, 2013

Banda Aceh Had Small Shaker Yesterday, California Had That Swarm, and I worked Black Friday!!!!!

Well, i survived the "Black Friday" episode of my life where it was my duty to observe as folks who bought those huge screen TV's came around back and picked them up and as the fateful employe of the local big box store loaded, and loaded, and loaded those TV's until at least until my shift ended at which time there continued to be a line along the front of the building and circling the parking lot of those same people still in line to pick-up! Not much else to say at that point except that I thought a good opportunity to get home for some leftover turkey and dressing and the rest of those mashed potatoes that mom made just for me and her earlier in the day! All in all you could say I had a great Thanksgiving 2013 and here's hoping all of you had a Great Day, too!!!

Now that today is the day my EQ Radio Show will no longer be on the WORT-FM Archives, I announced that I have now posted it on a website called "Sound Cloud" but am today announcing that you may click on it here: BUT IT DOESN'T ALWAYS COME UP!!!!! Although it does always seem to come up either when I refresh it or click on the link the second time. Very Sorry that links to the show do not seem to be working and it will take me some time to resolve that issue or possibly even find another site to host that Great Show!!! Until then it has a great sound to it when you can get it to come up. . . although Sound Cloud seems to have inadvertantly left out a lot of the words in my dialogue, I can't explaine that either. Sayin' though it is kind of hard to discern the words that are missing and it hardly changes the great tempo of the show just the same! Thank-You for taking the time to give it a listen, too!

Finally during the course of yesterday there was that one small swarm that struck Southern California and as a general rule such a swarm like that will move to the north like the next day so I hope nobody will be surprised when Mammoth Lakes has the next swarm like about any minute now if it hasn't started up there already! Then, or possibly next somewhere up around Northern California such as The Geysers, Eureka, or the Triple Plate Junction. Finally there was a small 4 or 5 Richters shaker that beared the name Banda Aceh yesterday and we should continue to watch that region and keep watching because there are still several HUGE Major Earthquakes out there. For today you are up to date! Continue to enjoy the rest of your Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend, everybody!!! The EQ Guy

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