Tuesday, November 19, 2013

6.3 Richters Strikes 500 Miles South of Cebu City, Philippines!!! 5.9 Mariana Just In!!! Huge Double-Whammy Could Still Be Out There!!!!! 7.6 to 9.1 Richters!!!

There's a whole list of places shaking today! Spent most of the morning pouring over all the facts that came in over the night including a 4.8 and 5.7 a few miles from Yap, Micronesia where you might remember I discovered to have been situated just offshore from where Super Typhoon Haiyan made landfall at the Philippines on November 7, 2013 and it is currently Day 12 after that huge landfall with so much damage! Most unfortunate to have to also report today that there has also been a 6.3 Richters Major Earthquake that struck about 500 Miles South of Cebu City, Philippines and I noticed immediately that Cebu City was so clearly visible there on the map! Those two combined movements of the Pacific Tectonic Plate (or whichever tectonic plate) moving probably in the general direction the big windstorm pushed the Philippines at landfall indicate that these other two at Iran (the 4.9 and 4.6 as well as three yesterday) are resultants from Super Typhoon Haiyan!!!

All the business of tornadoes aside for a moment, there might still be TWO Major Earthquakes that each could end up going as big as 9 Richters and both so far do not seem to have run their course. AS I AM WRITING THIS!!! Phone just rang with a 5.9 Richters out there at the Mariana Islands!!! This is now a LOT OF MAJOR EARTHQUAKES all coming across in just a few hours and also A LOT OF TECTONIC PLATE MOVEMENT!!! According to my calculations headed west, but would also seem to be at least somewhat of a threat to the Philippines themselves due to those islands being situated right there in the middle of all the action!!! COULD be a Huge Earthquake, too! Or two Major Earthquakes for that matter, since both the resultants from Phailin and Haiyan might still be out there and we obviously know they were both major landfalls. . . . . so we know they will both be Major Earthquakes!

Repeating some of the places to watch immediately: Portugal, Azores, Germany, France, and Italy, Greece, and maybe Moscow, etc.!!! Don't forget Sumatra, and Indonesia are in there, too!

I will also have both the updated Official Prediction for California in the coming hours, but be aware CALIFORNIA and West Coast are also situated very near Yap, Mariana Islands, and Philippines in Plate Tectonics!!! And now upwards of 70 tornadoes with 10, 19, and 30 mile paths on the ground WILL be more major earthquakes around the boundaries of the North American Tectonic Plate!!! EQ Guy

1 comment:

Katt1 said...

Just checked Usgs and Yellowstone and Texas both had quakes.:/a I live in the Monterey bay California. Hope one isn't headed our way.