Monday, November 11, 2013

Relief Arriving in Philippines!!! MAJOR Earthquake Will Now Be Out There, Somewhere!!! Sorry To Say!

The latest on the Super Typhoon is that they are projecting the deaths to be in the 10,000 range and I finally found the size of the storm surge and it was reported as 40 feet, or to the tops of the coconut trees! Here is a link to a great story off MSNBC: AND This story says 140 Tons of relief has arrived at Tacloban City, Philippines! @ AND The Official List of Dead, Injured, and Missing:

Very sorry right now for all those affected by this huge windstorm that has done major damage to that Philippino Region, but even more sorry to have to say that we also now have to watch for where the next Major Earthquake might strike because of the small correlation of Major Earthquakes following the landfall of huge windstorms and it is most unfortunate that the size of Yolanda (Local name for this Super Typhoon) and the devestating amount of damages it has done will most certainly be moving the tectonic plates and first in line will be Bangkok with Micronesia having already got a 5 Richters Shaker! So there could be even more such action out in those islands such as Kiribati and Tuvalu, but Andaman and Nicobar Islands are along that line, too. And as of this writing I did not calculate the exact epicenter of the potential Bangkok or Thailand Earthquake due to it possibly being up in the mountains along the Himilayan Arc. I'll try to have that tomorrow and hope that won't be to late to announce it.

Finally, I'm sorry to choose Cebu City for this last story, but my regular readers already know there was an earthquake there a few weeks ago and that they might possibly expect more to shake there at some point in the future and just sayin' that with all this going on it is always most unfortunate that the timing of an earthquake does just always seem to just come along like in the middle of all that is already going on in that region! Very sorry to be the messenger there you know! God Bless Everybody in that region!!! Sincerely, EQ Guy

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