Thursday, November 21, 2013

NEW Official Prediction California and West Coast for 6.1 to 7.3 Richters!!!

Noticed today that we are now getting those Pacific-Antarctic earthquakes as well as more Scotia Sea earthquakes and it looks like they are somehow connecting together so as to be moving one tectonic plate or the other in some direction with a 5.3 West of Bangkok, Thailand also in there. There was also one at the Mariana Islands and one NNE of Abu Dhabi and so for sure we are probably looking at something major happening soon! Noticed one or two other earthqukes up in that Euro/Asian Region, too.

I completed all my research today into the days and hours all of the tornado outbreaks and resultant earthquakes struck including the Landers Earthquke and have now written and will soon probably file a NEW Official Prediction California and West Coast that will run until Midnight December 31, 2013 as we ring in the New Year! This one is just a little smaller than the other one that will continue to run for California. This one 6.1 to 7.3 and more sure. . . the other one only for the long-shot that California could get some of that major up to 9.1 Richters from the two Major EQ Alerts still in effect for Bangkok, and Germany, Portugal, Azores, and France.

Here is a link to the NEW Official Prediction:

Finally I want to add this part here regarding the fact that in my research I found the May 2004 Tornado Outbreak preceded the 4.2 LaSalle County, Illinois Earthquake and immediately posted something to my EQ Twitter page to note that we might expect a repeat! When I arrived home later it occured to me that the 4.2 LaSalle County Earthquke might have been the Ottawa, Illinois Earthquake and so I checked Ottawa Earthquke and found it was! Yes, they're one in the same in case anybody else had them mixed up, too! Then, I reasoned that because one series of tornado outbreaks just so happened to come to preceed such a LaSalle County, Illinois Earthquake. . . does that mean the November 17, 2013 Tornado Outbreak of Illinois, and Indiana might also come to preceed another Illinois Earthquake? Well, well, well. . . and I came to the conclusion probably not, necesarilly. Therefore if you read all the way through the NEW Calfornia Officail Prediction you will only find that info as a footnote and a close call for folks in Illinios currently weathering all the damage from tornadoes is enough, hopefully they won't have to add another "Illinois Earthquke" to their list of problems! Chicago Bears are winning! "DA BEARS!!!" There's a footnote for you!!! Thank-You for Reading!!! EQ Guy

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