Thursday, September 26, 2013

Counting Down to Anchorage, Alaska Earthquake 2013!!! Could Be Another 7.6 Richters!!!

Just notice that yesterdays big Peru Earthquake struck on Day 43 after the landfall of Typhoon Utor at the Philippines and with so much going on in other earthquake stuff hardly noticed that we had been also watching that South America Region. So today I thought I should double-check the number of days it has been since the landfall of Man-Yi at South Japan and came up with Day 10!!!

I mostly want to now add that Day 14 will be Sunday, Day 15 will be Monday or the day I will be doing my "EQ Radio Show" on and Day 16 will be the day after my radio show or Tuesday of next week. As a result now of all those days happening in that order, I was thinking I should maybe start one of my now famous count downs and of course this is just a count down to like Day 18 or so and then only basically due to that being the number of days I have came up with in the past for earthquake energy to cross the Pacific from Japan to our West Coast. Of course the numbers for Alaska will vary. . . but actually could even be a much shorter distance and smaller number of days! Therefore while Day 18 is a very good number for days it might take to reach Seattle, Days 14 through 17 could be the number of days it will take the earthquake energy from the landfall of Typhoon Man-Yi to travel from Japan to Anchorage!

With my show coming up on Day 16, we should probably now watch next Wednesday and Thursday very closely but I suppose this huge Anchorage or Great Alaska Earthquake could strike before that, too. Thus the countdown!!! Start Watching Alaska now and let's see exactly how close your friend the EQ Alert Guy can come!!!!! Don't forget there are other alerts out there, too! Thank-You for Reading!!! EQ Guy

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