Thursday, June 18, 2015

3.3 Richters Strikes at Valentine, Nebraska!!! 7.0 Shakes Mid-Atlantic!!! What Next??? End of June New Moon Window!

One of the processes that I watch for happening is whenever something such as a 3.3 strikes a little out of the way place such as Valentine, Nebraska, but also I'm especially curious anytime a 7.0 strikes Mid-Atlantic due to it possibly meaning there could be a whole lot more coming! Over time there have now been plenty of these different combinations of what one might call foreshocks and how it usually turns out is they all will end up being all the different earthquakes that came to strike BEFORE one of the biggest earthquakes of all time which is one of the things I keep very busy at trying to figure out. That is WHERE this next upcoming Major Earthquake is going to strike based now on a 3.3 Valentine, Nebraska Earthquake as well as a 7.0 Mid-Atlantic. One guess might be Azores due to it being situated there just to the north of that 7.0 and being due for one themselves, and I suppose a 7 Magnitude Azores Earthquake might even fill the bill for what's being expected up that way, too.

Haven't exactly came to any correlation with possible earthquakes for California or Seattle by that method, yet, though and will keep watching these and see what I do come up with as these kind of unusual ones continue! But as usual one of my basic warnings that a 7.0 Mid-Atlantic could be a foreshock for that big inevitable East Coast Earthquake that we know is coming and with or without a tsunami. . . New York, Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Washington DC will eventually all get earthquakes at some point in time, am I right?

Last time I saw Hurricane Carlos there was virtually nothing at all left of it and ditto with Tropical Storm Bill what never actually even did become a Hurricane even though I billed it as one for a moment there at one point! In the final moments of editing this EQ Blog it occurred to me THAT Landfall of T.S. Bill at Texas COULD be connected to 3.3 Valentine, Nebraska if you look at the map is that a straight line directly from that landfall through that region of Nebraska? If so we might watch for more of those smallish ones in that region! I also just noticed reading the newspaper that the June New Moon has came and passed as of late last night, so it is possible we actually had that 7.0 Mid-Atlantic right there in the middle of the June New Moon!!! So, keep watching Los Angeles, Seattle, and Kathmandu because there is probably still at least ONE Major Earthquake heading directly for all of those folks!!! EQ Guy

Much more earthquake stuff I wrote all about in My E-Book, "Bringing Earthquakes To Life" @ Thank-You For Reading!!! EQ Guy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Chance for Earth quake within 45 Hrs near by India

Santhosh warrier
