Monday, June 15, 2015

Hurricane Carlos Moves SAME Direction As Hurricane Blanca Did!!! MORE Earthquake Energy Probably Heading For Los Angeles!!!!!

That's the very latest information just in as I returned from Chicago where I enjoyed 2015 Chicago Blues Festival and noticed Hurricane Carlos is now sweeping along Mexico and on its way to the next landfall of a Major Hurricane with virtually the same result as that landfall of Hurricane Blanca at Baja California on June 6 and 7. Even just the sweep effect of Hurricane Carlos running along the shoreline there at that same far south Mexico place as Hurricane Blanca ran earlier in June can only add additional earthquake energy and I've already been worried about Los Angeles and am even thinking about a new "Quake Chase 2015: Palm Springs"!!! All the new potential from Carlos will only increase the same potential and it's already serious so more serious now!

A little bit of a surprise that a 4.8 struck so near Azores out there offshore from Portugal and just a few miles from the nearest Azore Island. Writing today to say I have a friend there who has reported in the past that the Azores are ALSO a spot there where they have been watching SIMILARLY to how Kathmandu and Nepal had been watching and basically for the same reason. . . because they knew they were due for their major earthquake at Nepal and The Azores are also now DUE!!! The other thing that occurred to me is that there could be a clockwork movement of the tectonic plates that could just indicate that Azores will be NEXT after Kathmandu!? Or that specific movement of those tectonic plates up there in that area could loosen something around Azores and they could be next, or such movement at Nepal could move the "Euro-Asian Tectonic Plate" and Azores along with Lisbon, Portugal are situated at the other plate boundary and could cause shaking there next!!! There has been at least one more significant earthquake of like a 4.8 at Nepal over the weekend, too.

Finally, a great pic or two from Chicago Blues Festival!!! This is "Big Bill Morganfield" Son of Great Muddy Waters!!!
AND No trip to downtown Chicago Millineum Park would be complete without a "Selfie" of ME with the world-famous "Bean"!!!

Plenty of Major Earthquake Energy coming up the road and especially Los Angeles, but I came up with Tecate, Mexicali, and Tijuana over the weekend so it might also be possible we will need to add a few of those SHAKY Northern Mexico places to this alert because every so often the earthquake ends up being across the border in Mexico and even though it shakes Southern California!!! EQ Guy

Much more earthquake stuff I wrote all about in My E-Book, "Bringing Earthquakes To Life" @ Thank-You For Reading!!! EQ Guy

Last Chance to view recent EQ Video Log!!! SEE This V-Log at YouTube@ And Thank-You For Watching!!! EQ Guy

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