Thursday, August 29, 2013

2.1 Struck 7 Miles Offshore From Golden Gate Bridge, California!

First look at the list and seeing that 2.1 and a couple others had me thinking great danger for that area just the neighborhood where the Golden Gate Bridge crosses the San Francisco Bay. When I clicked on the map and brought up the list of ALL the earthquakes that struck that region, I only came up with one other one. . . which you could say was pretty much of a relief to me! So, as I am writing this tonight that is all the earthquakes that have struck that San Francisco Region was mostly just the one, and a 1.2 that followed at the same location an hour later.

Best thing of the whole deal there tonight was bringing up the USGS Summary @ AND then taking a good look at the map when it comes up and at the bottom of the list next to it "View on Google Maps" takes you to a great series of pics of the San Francisco Gateway Park, Baker Beach and I went along the Pacific Coast Highway North from there and checked out some of Golden Gate Park if I got the name of the park right from memory! Great Pics of the Golden Gate Bridge from the Southern shore there for folks who have never seen that view!!! Been up there many times, now, but always enjoy that great view!!!

There is a lot of Major Earthquake energy that is still out there, but hopefully that will be all they will be getting there at the beautiful Golden Gate!!! And Baker Beach, too!!! EQ Guy

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Wow if someone needs California earthquake insurance now might be the best time before something major happens.