Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Phone just rang right this moment with 6.7 Columbia!!!!! Could be the Columbian Earthquake Energy we have been watching for!!!!! We were watching the earthquake energy from the landfall of Hurricane Flossie cross the Pacific and there had also just been several more at Hilo, Hawaii. . . now a 6.7 at Offshore Quibdo, Columbia!!! 275 miles from Bogota, Columbia the Capital, there! Here is the USGS Report: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/at00mrh7o5#summary

Remaining, yet are the earthquake energies from that landfall of Super Typhoon Utor at Philippines and there is an additional landfall of Utor at China upcoming in the range of 95 to 115 Knots in the coming hours and it is too early to tell what direction Utor will be heading when it makes that landfall so we will have to wait on who this might affect.

There has also still been a lot going on in PERU, where there was one other alert due to it being Day 32 after the landfall at Taiwan of Typhoon Soulik. So we might have to give that one up to 10 more days, but PERU=Huge!!! It was Day 13 after the landfall of Flossie at Hilo, Hawaii. While Tropical Storm Chantal (Hurricane?) earthquake energy might still be out there, it's small and headed for Yellowstone, Utah, and maybe Seattle/Washington, but even though there was a lot of shaking around New Madrid, I can't imagine much higher than a 5.8 up that way.

We will want to watch California just for safety sake because of all of that stuff happening around the Pacific, although California has been rather quiet in just the last day or so, something could still shake and these two new ones could be back up in the 7 Richters Range!!!!! Be Prepared just the same!!! EQ Guy

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