Saturday, August 10, 2013

California Earthquakes Continued!!!!! WHERE Will Next Ones Shake!!!!!

You might have seen that last recent EQ Blog that I posted here late last night regarding the fact that there were a lot of earthquakes stretching all across California and that I wondered out loud what way they were going. Well, it was early this morning that my phone started to ring loud enough to wake me, and I had also said I wanted to wait for something to shake a little bigger like a 3 or 4 Range shaker. . . . . that was when TWO of those such earthquakes then have now happened!!! At 3.8 and then minutes later a 3.9 albeit out in that shaky desert area east of San Diego. I want to suggest that this COULD BE the 3/4 Richters we have been watching for and at the very least it might put some of us on the alert for even bigger earthquakes to strike California in the coming hours, or days. Of course none of you probably need me to tell you to now be watching for about a 5, which could probably fairly easily lead to a 6 and maybe even something bigger than that!

Other shakers that struck California during the night since my last EQ Blog around midnight my time are: a 4.5 up around Coos Bay Oregon, a 2.1 at Oceanside, and a 1.9 at Offshore Santa Barbara. There were many others through the night, too, such as I seen the towns Aquanga, San Simeon, Upper Lakes, Mamouth Lakes, and Coalinga on that list and don't forget there was one with Bellflower as the epicenter late last night, too! So at this point I just want to say it is difficult to say exactly what might happen! Looks like there might still be a chance Skylar will get to see a Major California Earthquake before the end of her vacation in California, like tomorrow! I am headed over towards the Mississippi for the big Concert Tonight, then going to the Drag Racing Summer Nationals on Sunday and am sorry if something too big strikes while I'm out of town tonight! Thank-You for Reading!!! EQ Guy

Update: Also a 2.8 struck North of Blytheville, Arkansas so also remember to watch Missouri, Yellowstone, Utah, and maybe Seattle/Mt. St. Helens this weekend!!! EQ Guy

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