Saturday, August 17, 2013

6.1 Richters at SouthEast Indian Ridge, Offshore of Pietermaritzburg!!! The Spaghetti is saying California???

Checked prior to writing and seen one of these "Garden Variety" Mid-Indian Ocean Tectonic Plate shakers that I will now discuss for a few moments. We are now tracking the most recent landfall of Typhoon Utor at Philippines as well as Typhoon Utor again at China. It is kind of a given that China will get some of this, although I did see Banda Aceh getting one, there too which of course will be expected as well. This movement of the Indian Ocean Tectonic Plate has traditionally always meant that there would now be significant movement coming! While this will most likely be the Pacific Tectonic Plate, it could also be Australia, or any of the islands out in that region. . . hopefully not New Zealand which I actually have no reason to think may get more shaking. Always be watching for them there, though, because down the road they might be getting another Major Earthquake again someday. Just hopefully not today.

Now we know there might be something going on there, although with the full moon coming up like Wednesday and Day 40 after the landfall of Typhoon Soulik, there COULD still be that huge MegaThruster lurking out there somewhere. Here is the total for the New Zealand Aftershocks updated just now: @

Found quite an interesting story when I Googled "Pietermaritzburg," too!!! @

I have now completed the Final Draft of my upcoming EQ Radio Show and will have a copy of it here somewhere very soon! Also, there are a couple of big windstorms threatening the Gulf of Mexico and a couple of those "Spaghetti Charts" point directly to Brand New Earthquake Energy for California!!!!! Watch for that! Until then. . . just the Pacific Tectonic Plate continuing to move! Thank-You Again for Reading, Homeys!!! Sincerely Your Brother, The EQ Guy

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