Wednesday, August 14, 2013

3.0 Utah!!! Second Landfall of Typhoon Utor at China!!!

Just in, a 3.0 struck at Enoch, Utah and the "Felt Reports" are still coming in! WATCH for more earthquakes up in that region that could easily now extend into Washington and Seattle.

Typhoon Utor has now made it's second landfall, this time it looks like China, although Vietnam is right there, too, so I will have an update later with the exact spot. What I do know is the direction this time looks more like North Northwest and so this is going to create a whole new different set of rules for the game, here! The previous landfall was very much Northwest as a Cat-4 Super Typhoon that will still do some earthquake energy damage in the coming days probably up in Sichuan, China again but could be about anywhere along that Himilayan Arc.

Update on my "EQ Radio Show" I have posted one Radio Play at my EQ You Tube @ PLEASE Let me know if that Radio Play is correct as far as chronologically and geography and I might leave it just as is, although the L.A. Apprentice Class Radio Play might be attached at the end of it for 8 more minutes if you all don't mind 15 minutes of Radio Play in that EQ Radio Show!!!? Also discovered the WORT-FM 89.9 has an online location you might want to try NOW so you will know if you can listen on September 30, 2013 the night of my show at 7pm Central Time. Here is the link to the Live Online feed@

So, remember we are still watching a lot of other places for earthquakes and someone just commented me that PERU got a major earthquake. . . and you have been reading about it HERE!!! That might be all, and there might be more! There is at least that huge one heading up towards Sichuan, China!!! AND the one that just now is striking which could possibly TURN the Pacific Plate a notch if that is possible, and if it is watch the San Andreas Fault because that is just the slip-fault mechanism that could be affected in the coming days and weeks!!! Thank-You For Reading!!! EQ Guy

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