Friday, August 23, 2013

LOTS of Small Earthquakes at The Geysers, California! Final Felt Report Numbers from Temecula Yesterday

When I checked all the recent earthquakes early today I noticed there have been a lot of small ones in the Northern California Region known as The Geysers. Not exactly sure if this is a Huge Volcano about to be forming or a potential epicenter for a major earthquake, either. I have long known the region to be active with at least that one Geyser that I had occasion to visit up there one day, myself. Was not able to find the exact location of the site that I visited and think it might have been "The Geysers Resort" although I did find an enormous amount of geothermal info for the region. Today I just wanted to point out that there are now starting to be regular series's of ongoing earthquakes and you can view just the last 7 days all listed @ So, does all of this have to do with the installation of new and more advanced measuring devices so that large numbers of small earthquakes such as these are just things we should get used to? OR is this a lot of unusual seismic activity that will eventually become something, someday? And if so, what?

The final count on the Temecula 3.6 from yesterday was 257 Felt Reports from Temecula, while San Diego eventually increased to 26 Felt Reports and Escondido ended with 52 Felt Reports when all the dust settled. Thank-You to anybody who read it here, felt it, and reported it with the link provided, too! I'm sure the USGS appreciates all the reports that they can get!

There was also a 5.8 at Chile and more movement at L'Esperence Rock, New Zealand and it is possible there could be more earthquake energy out there and I will have more updates coming, but keep watching in the meantime. While Typhoon Soulik ends this week, the landfall of Super Typhoon Utor is only on Day 12 and will run through October 2 and it is possible todays L'Esperence Rock earthquake is heading for the Pacific, and then our West Coast in the coming days! Thank-You For Reading!!! EQ Guy

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