Thursday, May 15, 2014

6.1 and 6.6 Strikes Micronesia Under Light of May 2014 Full Moon!!! WATCH For More To Come!!!

As of this writing I have not seen any information connected to tsunami's out in the Micronesia Region of the Pacific, but the really big news is that the first one in this series of now 2 big earthquakes, the 6.1 was actually just 1 hour, 37 minutes after the exact moment of the May Full Moon and the 6.6 judging by what time it was Central Time when it struck or around 8am should have had the full moon high over their heads on those tiny islands out in the Pacific where these earthquakes both struck within a couple miles of each other.

Had to go back through a past EQ Blog or two to recite the names accurately of the islands I was watching for, knowing Micronesia was mentioned, but also knowing it was not the location of the straight line, rather I mentioned the name because it was phonetically similar to the names of the islands that I found while checking on the exact plate boundary between the Pacific and North American or Asian Tectonic Plate. The actual names along this line seemed to have been "Maldives and Mauritius" and somewhere along the way I used or wanted to use the other name of "Micronesia." Well, as it is turning out Micronesia is the region credited with the 6.1 and 6.6 and now that I look at it 6.6 is the actual Magnitude we have been watching around the Pacific for since it was the magnitude of the second Nicaragua Earthquake and the Vancouver Earthquake! So, we should probably still continue to watch for maybe one or two more 6.6 Richters Earthquakes and possibly the Banda Aceh, or Sumatra Region and hopefully far enough offshore that it will not produce a tsunami nor will it be a direct hit on any populated regions.

The May 2014 Full Moon alert will continue for a few more hours as I am writing this. It will run to the minute a ways into the afternoon Central Time or just past Noon Pacific. . . but for safety sake let us watch the whole day today and know that California could still get some of this shaking! Yes, the May 2014 Full Moon Window should probably not be considered over with until the end of the day and in my next EQ Blog I will recap all the EQ Alerts that remain for beyond this months full moon, because there will still be one or two, you know. Thank-You Again for Reading!!! EQ Guy

LINK To My Book: Bringing Earthquakes To Life:

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