Friday, January 10, 2014

225 Miles OFF!!! I did say Jamaica and Haiti, Right!!!!! Well 5.1 Richters, CUBA!!!!!

Big story to open with today, folks!!! I was just about to throw on my skis and looking forward to taking one of those nice long leisurely cruises through some of the Kettle Moraine when the sound of my phone ringing loudly inturpted those moments of peace and quite I was about to be getting! As usual I mumbled "Garden Variety" under my breath while hoping it would be just another routine 5 Magnitude out in the middle of the Pacific somewhere, of course knowing at some point it always WON'T be, you know. Yes, 5.1, ok now can I. . . . . WAIT! Where? I actually had to start all over reading the tiny display on my flip phone even though I sort of knew it said Cuba the first time. Cuba! A 5.1 struck Cuba and I was this time only double-checking the number of miles from said town thinking surely it would be Offshore enough that I could forget it and get on with my days skiing adventure! 23 Miles north and most likely close enough that I knew instantly it would be a problem I could not be out in the middle of Lake Koshkonong on my skis pondering, I needed a new plan and fast! I cut the ski trip short and turned the car around for home! You can now see the UPDATED felt report with practically all of Florida getting some of that shaking!!! At my EQ Blog from late yesterday@

Well, I always say that when I do get a lot of these right it is part out of wanting all of the people in a given area to be notified in advance that there is at least SOME correlation with Major Earthquakes under certain conditions and this can now be added to that list of times, albeit having to say so myself! It did occur to me a few days back that if the present severe winter conditions were so similar then perhaps an EQ Alert should go out to HAITI, and JAMAICA!!! I'm here to tell you that message is now 225 miles OFF! That's right! The island of Jamaica is situated just 75 miles from Cuba and it is just 225 miles from Jamaica to the epicenter at the north of Cuba!!! Here is a link to that EQ Blog entry from Saturday where you can view all of that info in Paragraph 3 at:

Not sure if I will draft an update to the current Official Prediction and amend it, or wait more towards next week when it is about to run out and file a continuation, but right this moment it is looking like it is going to be happening for real so why don't we just count on going by what I said and here is one more chance to view it in it's original form exactly as I wrote it and submitted it way back on December 11, 2013:

There is probably still a lot of Major Earthquake stuff yet to happen!!! The North American Tectonic Plate is moving and a lot of people are shaking so keep on watching and be prepared! There was also at least one major resort with the epicenter of the Cuba 5.1 striking almost in the middle of the place!!! Damage reports are likely to come in at some point later and I will update as soon as they are available! Thank-You For Reading!!! EQ Guy

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