Sunday, January 12, 2014

270 Kph Winds Severe Tropical Cyclone IAN Makes Landfall at Tonga!!! Major Damage and One Dead

Haven't heard too much news about the landfall of this huge Cat-4 Tropical Cyclone that made landfall at Tonga within about the last 48 hours. Here's a news story from the New Zealand Herald explaining Major Damage to homes and buildings and one dead: LOTS of huge winds going on there with that huge windstorm and you can count on some shaking to follow. With New Zealand right there just south of the region where Ian struck, I suppose they could be among the first to get some of the possibly Major Earthquake Energy from this landfall at Tonga on January 10, 2014 and eventually other places around the Pacific Tectonic Plate could also be affected, but I will have updates later this week on all that.

Additionally the January 2014 Full Moon Window will officially begin at 10:54pm Central, 8:54pm Pacific on the evening of Tuesday, January 14 with the exact moment of the Full Moon being one of those most unusual occasions where the exact moment will occur high overhead at least for me in the Central Time Zone. That is if moonrise has occurred by that time. Reason I mention that is because I sort of want to observe anytime when you have the ability to look up at the moon at that exact moment when usually it's out over the Pacific or on the other side of the world somewhere when the exact moment happens. Let's just see if Cuba, Oklahoma, Yellowstone or somewhere doesn't get some shaking as a result of the exact moment striking high above us!

Got my 2014 S.A.G. Awards Vote all completed last night after seeing "The Butler" at a local theater and here's wishing the best of luck to all the great movies and TV Shows! S.A.G. Awards a week from tonight and Golden Globes will be on tonight!!! As I mentioned in yesterdays EQ Blog tomorrow is now a big Film Production day for me and I am packing and heading down there right this moment as I write and watching the San Francisco 49ers game, too, of course! Now leading at half-time! The other big TV Series project news is the one now going to be shooting in nearby Rockford, Illinois that I stopped by and auditioned for in December and it has now reached their goal at KickStarter and have a few days left of that fund drive you can check out at: AND Feel free to still donate!!!

So, keep watching for some earthquake energy to still be out there and today is the 4th Anniversary of the Haiti Earthquake so especially watch for something to strike California following that movement of the North American Tectonic Plate at Cuba! I will try to update at whatever chance I get between now and my big day of Movie Biz tomorrow! Until then there might still be some earthquakes out there so be prepared!!! EQ Guy/Moviestar

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