Friday, January 3, 2014

TONS of New Snow On East Coast!!!!! MORE Major Earthquakes Coming!!!

Checking the exact location of the two earthquakes that struck tonight at Mexico, I have 463 miles West Southwest and 231 miles South Southeast of Mexico City and I did not see any Mexico earthquakes of the type that occasionally affect California like we know some of them do. Although still serious when we have two medium sized ones such as those, there was also a 4.3 at Guadeloupe and I had to check to see where that was! Of course when I found it out there in the Caribbean I realized that I was familiar with it when I seen the Island of Montserrat just to the north of it.

Well there has sure been a good share of coverage on the Severe Winter Storm that they are getting out on our East Coast with some of the reports suggesting an additional two feet of snow before Friday is all through. Not real sure exactly how much snow they already had out east, but I can tell you it is piling up out in front of our house here in Wisconsin and it is looking like one of those winters where we might again start running short on places to pile up all the snow from shoveling, and shoveling, and shoveling the driveway!

MORE Snow will now equal more and more alerts for a major earthquake to strike although California might not be the only place that will ultimately need to be worrying about all this new snow in addition to all of it that is already piled up out there! Here is the O.P. that is still in effect but I might need an ammendment to it very soon you know:

That is pretty much all that is going on right now, although I do know that is a lot!!! Some of these earthquakes could strike California at any moment now so be prepared and there will also be some of those small foreshocks around Connecticut and Virginia where they always get those smallish shakers anyways! Thank-You for Reading!!! EQ Guy

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