Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Lots of Yellowstone Earthquakes! The January 1998 Offshore Oregon Volcano!!!!! Check Out New VID!!!

Looking over the most recent earthquakes list I noticed there were a lot of them that struck Yellowstone, so I opened the map app and clicked on Yellowstone to actually check out the exclusive list. Next I pasted it here, but there were way too many to print here so I removed all the ones under 1.5 or 2:

1.6 26km ENE of West Yellowstone, Montana 2014-01-06 06:54:03
1.6 27km ENE of West Yellowstone, Montana 2014-01-06 05:52:31
1.8 27km ENE of West Yellowstone, Montana 2014-01-06 03:59:15
1.1 27km ENE of West Yellowstone, Montana 2014-01-06 03:25:23
3.5 27km ENE of West Yellowstone, Montana 2014-01-06 03:14:12
2.6 26km ENE of West Yellowstone, Montana 2014-01-06 03:13:27

Occurred to me today that those severe winter conditions that we have been watching ALSO just so happened to have happened back in January 1998 because I was working OUTSIDE in it that time!!! THEN, it occurred to me to go back through time and see what big earthquake must have followed due to it having been so cold and my relatively new rule about "January Earthquakes" would have applied even though I did not at that time have any organized EQ Alert system that could have possibly covered this one. Found a huge swarm at that shaky, shaky Offshore Oregon place that seems to have had around 5000 earthquakes and some sort of a Seamount Volcano Eruption!!! Further checking revealed that there is also a HUGE Seamount like 40 or 50 miles offshore from Monterrey/San Simeon that is actually a big mountain out there under a couple thousand feet of water, but it said somewhere (citation needed) that it was as big of a mountain as Mount Shasta!!! So for now that is the story about the severe winter of January 1998. . . with me working outside in it!!! AND that reminds me I shot this vid today out at the Eastern shore of Beautiful and cold Lake Geneva!!!

Also took some great pics of the extreme cold weather today, but am running out of space to put all that stuff for today, but DID discover that the pavement does seem to crack as a result of the extreme cold, same as it buckles from extreme heat, and seen too many places to keep stopping, getting out, and taking pictures while positioned in the middle of the road with that severe wind chill, you know! So if the extreme cold is pulling the pavement apart you can count on it tugging on those tectonic plate boundaries and now you also know one result was the eruption of that huge volcano off the shore of Oregon! And that there is even one other one off the shore of Monterrey!!! So watch for earthquakes! The current Official Prediction runs at least up to the anniversary of the Northridge Earthquake on January 17, 2014.

See that the TV Show "Rock And A Hard Place" is getting near their goal at KickStarter so am running the link to their page one more time for folks who have not got involved, yet! Check it out and see how much more they need to reach the goal and Thank-You for whatever you can do to help, too! @ http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/199352559/rock-and-a-hard-place

Thank-You for Reading!!! EQ Guy

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