Saturday, January 18, 2014

Several Earthquakes Still Out There and More Film Production Coming This Week!!! Go 49ers!!!

Just thought I should write today with all the latest updates following the end date of the most recent Official Prediction that should now be the end of all the effective O.P.'s, although I notice the final paragraph of "Official Prediction: Malibu" reads that it very nearly runs out on the Anniversary of Northridge or yesterday, but says it won't officially end until January 28, 2014. That agrees with my sheet where I keep track of all this which has Day-52 after Severe Winter Conditions-USA as being on January 28. Beyond that listing I also have Hercules East Coast on January 3 with a rating of 6.5 Richters and actually running through early February and that could also still affect the West Coast somehow and so I will discuss more about that later this week, but still watch for 6.5 just the same, you know.

Finally the landfall of one Category-4 Severe Tropical Cyclone IAN at Tonga on January 10 which will now run all the way until March 3, 2014, but Day-10 will be January 20, 2014 and so this one could strike New Zealand or the Pacific Islands or Chile in just those coming days with Day-21 falling on January 31.

One more day of Chicago Film Production if any of my best readers are actually keeping track, and that will now be on Monday!!! Then back to my brand new job as host of Radios now famous "Rock and Roll A to Z Show" next week! So The EQ Guy will be very busy this week with all that entertainment biz stuff going on as well as The S.A.G. Awards tonight on TNT/TBS at 7pm Central Time, and there is also some Great Football going on with our very own San Francisco 49ers in there somewhere, too!!!!! Go 49ers!!!!! Thank-You For Reading!!! EQ Guy

1 comment:

Katt1 said...

Why do you think of all the activity in puerto rico and the central American region. I've been following Usgs since this last full moon and noticed alot of small earthquakes. What's your ideas?