Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Here's Wishing All My Friends All The Best in 2014!!!!!

Exact moment of January 2014 New Moon was at 5:15am/3:15am Pacific Time on the morning of January 1 or New Years Day 2014. So far there was a 6.6 at Vanuatu today! Watch now as the Full Moon Window runs through tomorrow or Thursday. January 2, 2014 for more earthquakes!!!

There was a 5.2 Richters that might have gone otherwise unnoticed except for the fact that it ended up making a lot of local news around Italy where it struck and so as a result I am now going to update on those details on this earthquake that struck Italy on Sunday, December 29 at 17:08UTC. A lot of reports of shaking must have came in from Naples, Rome, and the area around Mt. Vesuvius because Italy seemed to be especially concerned about this 5.2 that struck 40 miles from the middle of the huge Mt. Vesuvius Volcano!!! So far no word on any activity at Mt. Vesuvius but I can tell you it erupted in the year 79AD!!! As I write I had not heard any more about it, although I do know they watch it closely for activity, but so far do not seem to have said anything. Watch for earthquakes over in Italy because there would have to be more shaking for anything to happen with that volcano and I do not think the shaking that happened was even headed in the direction of the volcano so hopefully that will be the end of it.
Here's that (Now greatly edited)felt report from Italy:

Casaluce, Campania, Italy...........6.....51 km
Castel Volturno,Campania,Italy......1.....58 km
Liberi,Campania,Italy...............1.....25 km
Monte di Procida,Campania,Italy.....3.....76 km
Naples,Campania,Italy...............2.....65 km
Piedimonte Matese,Campania,Italy....2.....13 km
Rome,Lazio,Italy....................1....166 km
Salerno,Campania,Italy..............1.....89 km
Termoli,Molise,Italy................1.....81 km

Again, Here's hoping everybody had a good New Years and wishing everybody all the best in 2014!!!!! Sincerely, EQ Guy

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